International Students’ Lived Experiences with Intercultural Competence in a Southwest Florida University



international students, intercultural competence, internationalization, higher education, phenomenology.


Intercultural competence reflects higher education institutions’ commitment to the internationalization of campus, programs, and curricula and results in attracting/retaining international students. Numerous studies explore international students’ challenges adapting to the receiving country; however, limited research investigates their experiences with intercultural competence. Thus, a phenomenological study was conducted to investigate the lived experiences of 12 international students with intercultural competence at a Southwest Florida university. The constant comparison method identified three dimensions of the participants’ lived experiences: institutional, curricular, and interpersonal. The findings indicated a lack of intercultural competence in each dimension, significantly impacting students’ academic and social experiences.

Author Biography

Clarisse Halpern, Florida Gulf Coast University

Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Culture


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How to Cite

Halpern, C., Halpern, B., & Aydin, H. (2022). International Students’ Lived Experiences with Intercultural Competence in a Southwest Florida University. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 24(1), 47–67.



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