Become History: Learning from Identity Texts and Youth Activism in the Wake of Arizona SB1070


  • Django Paris


immigration policy, multicultural curriculum, culturally relevant, social justice


The title of this article comes from a poster in Pedro’s Arizona classroom. The poster read, “The only violence in schools should be the kind you read about in history classes. Be smart. Don’t become history.” This message became increasingly salient to me while investigating Pedro’s engagement with literacy.  Using critical theory and contextualizing his work in the policies and shifting demographics of Arizona, I offer vignettes of Pedro’s participation in classroom and protest literacy.  Pedro’s participation calls out a different message from the poster: his action and reflection through literacy is about becoming history.

Author Biography

Django Paris

Department of Teacher Education

Michigan State University

Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy





How to Cite

Paris, D. (2012). Become History: Learning from Identity Texts and Youth Activism in the Wake of Arizona SB1070. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 14(2).