A Pedagogy of Inclusion for All Students: Three Small Steps Forward to Achieve Socially Just Education for All


  • Dawna Lisa Buchanan University of Central Missouri
  • HeeGyoung Song University of Missouri-Kansas City


Pedagogy, inclusion, equity, hypocognition


This article chronicles the findings of two university professors who wanted to support cultural awareness and competence in their teacher education students at both pre-service and graduate levels. Many of their students did not understand the concept of social justice as it applies to classroom practice. The authors propose a model for first approaching the topic of culturally inclusive pedagogy that begins with self-awareness; progresses to understanding and valuing others; and advances as action in the educational setting to support equity for all. This is not a comprehensive model, but addresses beginning steps for creating an inclusive, diverse classroom community.


Author Biographies

Dawna Lisa Buchanan, University of Central Missouri

Dr. Dawna Lisa Buchanan is a Professor of Literacy Education at the University of Central Missouri.  

HeeGyoung Song, University of Missouri-Kansas City

HeeGyoung Song is an ESOL Classroom Teacher Grades K-6 at Warford Elementary School in the Hickman Mills C-1 School District in Kansas City, Missouri.



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How to Cite

Buchanan, D. L., & Song, H. (2022). A Pedagogy of Inclusion for All Students: Three Small Steps Forward to Achieve Socially Just Education for All. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 24(1), 113–128.



Praxis Articles (Peer-reviewed)