Limos Orthography: A Teaching Guide for MTB-MLE in Early Grade Education in the Cordillera, Philippines.
Language, workshop, education, alphabet, and grammar.Abstract
The Philippines' Department of Education emphasized the importance of adoptingMother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) in the K-12 program underliningmother tongue as the foundation of learning a second language. Through developmentalresearch methods, a Limos Orthography developed as teaching guide in MTB-MLE in early gradelevel focused on Limos grammar, including alphabets, word charts (vowels and consonants), andspelling. Results of the study found that Limos language had distinct phonemes and structuralelements despite having universal characteristics common with other languages. Findings suggestorthography as a teaching guide has potential to improve literacy rates and educationaloutcomes among Limos-speaking communities.
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