
Submit Your Paper

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is prepared in Microsoft Word document file format (DOC or DOCX) following the IJME Format Template. Submissions without formatting will be returned to authors.
  • The submission is written in English for the global audience. Ensure the English language is carefully edited to academic standards. Submissions using English that is difficult to comprehend will be declined.
  • A full-text article is within the limit of 4,000-6,000 words (the word limit does not apply to the abstract, five key words, reference list, endnotes, and appendices).
  • All manuscripts must be blinded for review - ensure there is no identifying information included about the authors (names, institutions, publications) in the manuscript.
  • The lead author completes the ethical checklist and adds it as a supplemental file when submitting the manuscript.
  • Include an abstract of 75-100 words with all submissions.
  • Five keywords (preferrably no more than 2 words for each keyword) are provided beneath the Abstract.
  • Studies with human subjects state clearly that ethical research standards were followed (IRB approval was gained, etc.).
  • To include copyrighted text of more than 500 words, figures, etc., authors must share evidence of permission gained from copyright holder. IJME will not be responsible for costs incurred in this effort.
  • All information borrowed from other sources, including the authors' own, is correctly cited, quoted, and/or properly noted. IJME uses an originality checking tool to ensure originality of text.
  • Provide metadata for your submission, incuding all author names and affiliations in the metadata section of the submission process (not the blinded paper).
  • To propose a special issue of IJME, please submit complete proposal directly to Dr. Steven Hoffman, at

Author Guidelines

Scholarly Articles: We welcome submission of scholarly articles of 4,000-6,000 words (excluding references and other supplementary material) in the following categories: (1) qualitative research studies that explicitly address multicultural educational issues; (2) conceptual and theoretical articles, typically grounded on in-depth literature review, which advance theories and scholarship of multicultural education; and (3) praxis articles that discuss successful multicultural education practices grounded on sound theories and literature. All scholarly articles should be prepared in the IJME Format Template and submitted directly to the journal website following the submission guidelines.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.