Modes of social media & academic performance of hearing-impaired students- segregated and inclusive education systems perspective: a thematic analysis


  • Ms. Atia Ur-Rehman, Dr. Farhat Munir, PhD, Dr. Ghulam Saqulain, FCPS (Otorhinolaryngology) University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.


Hearing impaired, Inclusive education, segregated education, Social Media, Academics.


Hearing impaired face social isolation due to poor communication skills. Social media, a modern invention for effective communication which can also enhance the communication skills& academic performance of the hearing impaired in segregated and inclusive education systems. With a literature gap in the field, current study endeavored to identify the common modes of social media being utilized as learning tools among hearing-impaired in the segregated and inclusive education system. This exploratory descriptive study investigated teachers' perspectives about the academic performance of hearing-impaired students in a segregated and inclusive education system by using social media. The study utilized semi-structured interviews of ten purposively selected teachers from both education systems fulfilling the selection criteria. Data was transcribed, and thematic analyses were drawn which revealed eight themes including Technology Entertainment Design, Ease of access to Visual Learning, Academic interaction, Academic Assistance, User-Friendly Expression for educational Interaction, Usage of social media as academic provisions, Socialization/Academic purpose & minimizes the communication barriers. Study concludes that hearing impaired in inclusive education mostly used social media for academic support and to share academic and social views like their hearing peers, while those in segregated education systems mostly used social media for entertainment.

Author Biography

Ms. Atia Ur-Rehman, Dr. Farhat Munir, PhD, Dr. Ghulam Saqulain, FCPS (Otorhinolaryngology)
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.




How to Cite

Ms. Atia Ur-Rehman, Dr. Farhat Munir, PhD, Dr. Ghulam Saqulain, FCPS (Otorhinolaryngology). University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. 15(1), 203–223.



Articles (Peer-reviewed)