Interaction between personal responsibility and student knowledge of energy concepts in energy-saving behavior.


  • Azmi Al Bahij, Nadiroh, A. Purwanto, Iswan Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia.


energy saving behavior, personal responsibility, knowledge of energy saving concepts.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of personal responsibility and knowledge of energy concepts on students' energy saving Behavior. The research method used is quantitative research using survey method with exposé facto technique and 2x2 factorial design. This study involved 132 respondents of Primary School Teacher Education Program students, Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The results showed that there were differences in the energy-saving behavior of students who had strong personal responsibility compared to those who had weak personal responsibility. This finding proved that students' personal responsibility affects students' energy-saving behavior. There is a difference in students' energy-saving behavior between groups of students who have high knowledge of energy concepts and students with low knowledge, but this finding occurs by chance, so its influence can be ignored at this time. There is an interaction effect between students' personal responsibility and students' knowledge of energy-saving concepts, but the effect is also due to chance. The conclusion of this study is that students' energy-saving behavior is influenced by personal responsibility without the need to pay attention to the level of students' knowledge of energy-saving concepts, it is proven that knowledge has a coincidental influence on students' responsible behavior. Finally, the implication of the research findings, the personal responsibility factor should get the main consideration when talking about students' energy-saving behavior, especially for the students' participation in contributing to the achievement of massive energy-saving behavior.

Author Biography

Azmi Al Bahij, Nadiroh, A. Purwanto, Iswan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia.




How to Cite

Azmi Al Bahij, Nadiroh, A. Purwanto, Iswan. Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia. 12(1), 356-368.



Articles (Peer-reviewed)