Applicability of common article 3 in asymmetric warfare.


  • Muhammad Asif Safdar, Muhammad Sohail Asghar, Khurram Baig, Waqas Ahamad, Saadat Ali Nadeem Principal Author, Assistant Professor Law Ph.D Law, Doctoral Candidate, University Gilani Law College, Pakistan.


CA3. NIAC. IAC. IHL. Geneve Conventions, Horse De combat, Asymmetric, warfare, conventional warfare.


Although International Humanitarian Law (IHL) endeavours to curtail the calamities of warfare both at international and at national level in the form of non-international armed conflict (NIAC) and international armed conflict (IAC) yet due to the asymmetric nature of warfare there is a dire need to expand the scope of IHL especially the common article 3 (CA3) and the Additional protocol II (AP II) in order to implement it effectively. This article insinuates to broaden the scope of the international humanitarian Law in order to cater the unnecessary suffering and calamities caused the asymmetric warfare. The objective is to further chalking out an adhesive framework and mechanism to cover the cases of asymmetric warfare by extending the scope of Common Article 3 and Additional protocol II (APII)as well. The research article inspects how asymmetric and symmetric warfare is distinguished and characterized to highlight the evolving dimensions of asymmetric warfare with time.

Author Biography

Muhammad Asif Safdar, Muhammad Sohail Asghar, Khurram Baig, Waqas Ahamad, Saadat Ali Nadeem
Principal Author, Assistant Professor Law Ph.D Law, Doctoral Candidate, University Gilani Law College, Pakistan.




How to Cite

Muhammad Asif Safdar, Muhammad Sohail Asghar, Khurram Baig, Waqas Ahamad, Saadat Ali Nadeem. Principal Author, Assistant Professor Law Ph.D Law, Doctoral Candidate, University Gilani Law College, Pakistan. 10(1), 644-653.



Articles (Peer-reviewed)