Blood feuds in Pakistan: A persistent challenge to peace and progress


  • Kashif Mahmood Saqib, Muhammad Sohail Asghar, Ashar Mehmood, Shehwar Ahmad Ramay, Sohaib Ashraf
  • DOI


Blood Feuds, Familial Honor, Peace and Order, Human Rights


Blood feuds have been a persistent phenomenon of human history since the dawn of civilizations, transcending geographical, cultural, and temporal boundaries. This article encapsulates a comprehensive exploration of blood feuds, examining their origins, manifestations, and its impacts on Pakistan. and the socio-cultural factors that sustain and perpetuate it. The study will begin by examining the historical foundations of blood feuds and charting their development from prehistoric times to the present. Understanding the sociopolitical settings that have sparked these feuds will be emphasized, highlighting the significance of power relations, territorial disputes, and familial honor. An important component of this article will be examining the societal effects of blood feuds, including how they affect interpersonal relationships, judicial system, and communal structures of Pakistan. Additionally, the study will evaluate the efforts made by societies to lessen or end blood feuds, and how it would be helpful for Pakistan in order get rid of this plague, looking at both effective solutions and enduring problems. The goal of this study is to further our understanding of blood feuds as intricate phenomena with wide-ranging effects. The study aims to present a comprehensive and complex picture of blood feuds by integrating historical, cultural, and societal viewpoints. This may help to generate insights that could guide conflict resolution and prevention tactics in modern communities and the ways to implicate these solutions in Pakistan.

Author Biography

Kashif Mahmood Saqib, Muhammad Sohail Asghar, Ashar Mehmood, Shehwar Ahmad Ramay, Sohaib Ashraf






Articles (Peer-reviewed)