Formation of a self-organisational culture of students studying in pedagogical universities


  • S. A. Khassanova, A. B. Mukasheva, X. S. Degtyareva, N. YU. Fominykh, A. B. Alchimbayeva
  • DOI


Educational And Professional Activities, Higher Education, Model Of A Self-Organisational Culture, Self-Organisational Culture..


University education aims annually to improve the quality of knowledge transferred to students in order to further accelerate and renew human capital. However, to obtain professional knowledge and practical skills students need to organise their independent work productively, clearly managing a limited amount of time and taking more responsibility for the final result. For this reason, it is important to determine the relationship between different forms of learning activities, the student’s personal qualities, the level of motivation for learning and the skills of self-regulation that can ensure the successful achievement of learning outcomes. Accordingly, within the scope of this study, it is aimed to inquire about the current level of formation of a self-organisational culture, the difficulties encountered in organising students' independent work, and their opinions and their satisfaction with the existing forms of independent work at the university. The study sample included 150 individuals studying at Abai University (Kazakhstan). Data were analysed using t-test (two-sample). An attempt is made to develop a model for the formation of a self-organisational culture of students and guidance is provided to pedagogical university teachers to foster the development of a resilient self-organisational culture.

Author Biography

S. A. Khassanova, A. B. Mukasheva, X. S. Degtyareva, N. YU. Fominykh, A. B. Alchimbayeva






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