Emojis as Digital Language and its Effect on Semantics


  • Maryam Khan, Dr. Rukaiza khan, Dr. Farooq Ahmed, Erum Maharvi, Dr. Arif Hussain
  • DOI


Semantics, Text Message, Emoji, Symbols, Emoticon, Computer-Mediated Communication.


Emojis have gained prominence in interactive digital communication. These symbols are widely known and commonly recognized among computer-mediated communication (CMC) users. These digital signs are taken as a substitution for the non-verbal clues that are missing from CMC in comparison to face-to-face communication. People incorporate them in short texts they send or post because they cushion the feeling expressions. Despite their wide use, the understanding of their usage in a correct manner is still lacking. This study investigates the understanding of the usage of emoticons and emojis in text messages. The aim of this study is to determine whether any universal understanding of emoticons and emojis exists when there are thousands of people integrating them every day when disseminating text messages. For the purposes of this study, a survey form was utilized to gather information from students of different universities. Our results have concluded that though there is always a need for emojis to support the message emotionally; plain text can explain a major part of the semantics of the message. The results also established the fact that people have sense enough to use emojis to express emotions.

Author Biography

Maryam Khan, Dr. Rukaiza khan, Dr. Farooq Ahmed, Erum Maharvi, Dr. Arif Hussain






Articles (Peer-reviewed)