Do Crimes affect the Natural Resources? Nexus between Socioeconomic Factors and Corruption levels


  • Nesrin Topcu Tarakçı, Salma Nawaz, Meryem Demirtaş, Cumhur Sahin, Yeter Demir Uslu, Yasemin Hancıoğlu Başköy, Akram M. Hadded, Malik Shahzad Shabbir
  • DOI


natural resources, Corruption; Crimes; Education level; JEL Classifications: B21.


South Asian region has enriched with different kinds of natural resources. This study is trying to examine the relationship between socioeconomic factors and different corruptions levels. For this purpose, the Panel Co-integration method is applied for empirical analysis by using annual data sets for the period 2005 to 2022. Furthermore, for the parameter estimation, we have applied Fully Modified OLS (FMOLS) and Dynamic OLS (DOLS) models. Finally, the Police is considered one of the most corrupt departments in selected south Asian countries. The government of South Asian countries should take serious actions against the police and other departments in order to eliminate the corruption level among them.

Author Biography

Nesrin Topcu Tarakçı, Salma Nawaz, Meryem Demirtaş, Cumhur Sahin, Yeter Demir Uslu, Yasemin Hancıoğlu Başköy, Akram M. Hadded, Malik Shahzad Shabbir






Articles (Peer-reviewed)